Modified on: 11/12/2024
Abstinence from marijuana and hashish is very common among regular users of cannabis with high THC content. In contrast, it does not occur with light cannabis with very low THC (less than 1%) and high percentages of CBD.
It is tetrahydrocannabinol, the leading cause of ganja addiction, which joins nicotine addiction when those who smoke grass tend to roll it with tobacco.
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If for whatever reason, you want to know how to detoxify yourself from cannabinoids and at the same time best soothe the withdrawal symptoms, you are reading the right article.
At JustBob, we want to offer you all the advice you need to stop smoking joints after years without suffering too much withdrawal.
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Marijuana withdrawal symptoms: what are they?
As we predicted, dependence on cannabinoids occurs with the constant and prolonged use of marijuana with high THC percentages and does not happen with CBD flowers.
However, we remind you that the use of both varieties of weed is punishable by administrative sanctions, so legal CBD weed and CBD hash are products for collectors.
Here are the possible symptoms of THC withdrawal:
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Apathy
- Decreased appetite
- Anxiety
- Insomnia, sleep disorders and/or difficulty falling asleep
We want to clarify that during the detoxification period from cannabinoids, you may experience one or more of these symptoms, so it is not sure that they will all occur.
Besides, the typical symptoms of hard drug withdrawal, i.e. shaking, sweating, loss of control, will not occur. Cannabis withdrawal is much milder and more livable than withdrawal from other drugs. It is a path that you will certainly have no difficulty getting through.
The symptoms, however, can be very annoying and challenging to deal with calmly. Your body will have to return to natural endocannabinoid levels for the side effects of detoxification to disappear, but this usually happens within a few days.
In the meantime, you can use natural remedies to relieve sleep disturbances, anxiety and other symptoms. Cannabinoid withdrawal medications do not yet exist and, although there are dedicated medications that can alleviate individual symptoms, we do not recommend their use.
If you like marijuana, you indeed like natural therapies, so count on nature itself during detoxification!
Cannabinoid weaning remedies? Here’s what to do for insomnia.
During the first few days of THC detoxification, you may suffer from sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, frequent night-time awakenings, etc.
Several natural remedies will help you have a good night’s sleep, and no, cannabis is not one of the options.
Here is what you can use to improve the quality of your sleep:
- Melatonin: this is one of the most common natural remedies for those who have trouble falling asleep but be careful, for it to work, you must always take it at the same time. You can buy melatonin in pharmacies and any herbalist’s shop.
- Valerian: taken in capsules or as a herbal tea, valerian root is a perfect natural sedative (although mild).
- Chamomile: it will be at a reduced price, but chamomile helps you relax and sleep better.
Remember to strictly respect the infusion minutes because, if you forget the sachet immersed in the cup for too long, chamomile could have the opposite effect to the one you want!
Now let’s see which remedies are perfect for calming the nervousness of marijuana withdrawal.
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How to relieve the irritability of THC withdrawal.
First of all, better sleep will help you be more relaxed and peaceful during the day, so the natural remedies listed above are perfect for avoiding nervousness.
You can also use magnesium, which relaxes the muscles and mind. Be aware that low levels of magnesium can cause (or increase) stress and nervousness, so supplementing this mineral will help you get more out of your cannabis detox period.

Avoiding lack of appetite after quitting smoking together: how to do it?
THC amplifies the five senses, including smell and taste: this is one of the hypotheses that try to solve cannabis smokers’ cravings’ enigma.
On the other hand, Quitting THC could lead you to feel the opposite symptom, which is lack of appetite.
To solve this problem, we recommend that you take foods rich in B vitamins and rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
You can also take the following supplements to stimulate your appetite:
- Gentiana lutea
- Dandelion
- Natrum muriaticum 9 CH
- Angélique
- Ginger root
You usually find them in the form of herbal teas or pills.
Naturally calms anxiety and apathy caused by cannabis withdrawal.
St. John’s Wort is one of the best natural remedies for the apathy and anxiety (provisional dates) of cannabis abstinence.
To soothe these symptoms and those of mild depression, it is recommended to take St. John’s Wort flower and leaf extract 3 times a day for about 1.5 months.
But beware: if anxiety, depression and apathy do not pass after the first few weeks of cannabis abstinence, we suggest that you consult your doctor or a psychotherapist.
In conclusion
Usually, the symptoms of cannabis withdrawal last a few days and can be corrected using herbs and other natural compounds.
You will find that your willpower will help you excellently overcome the THC addiction.
If you miss the smell of hemp in your room, you can always buy legal marijuana, legal hash and CBD oil on Just Bob and use them as perfumes for the environment.
We are waiting for you in our shop and CBD online shop with a unique selection of cheap CBD!