JustBob Blog: news and curiosity from the CBD Flower world

CBD oil pain relief: the cost as of 2024

Modified on: 19/04/2024

COST AND IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CBD OIL: HERE’S HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST NATURAL PAIN RELIEVER More and more people are aware of the benefits that CBD oil can bring to the body, both as a relaxant and as an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent. Despite this, many connoisseurs of CBD cannabis derivatives do not know how to choose the right […]

Neck pain oil: the natural painkiller derived from cannabis

Modified on: 19/04/2024

MORE ON CBD OIL FOR NECK PAIN: FIND OUT HOW TO USE IT, IN WHAT QUANTITIES, AND WHETHER IT WORKS Burning, stiffness, dizziness, headaches… These are just some symptoms associated with neck pain, a condition that periodically leads many people to seek a variety of remedies. You or someone close to you has probably been […]

CBD für Osteoarthritis: Wie man es verwendet, um Schmerzen zu lindern

Modified on: 19/04/2024

LEARN HOW CANNABIDIOL IS USED TO SOOTHE OSTEOARTHRITIS-RELATED PAINS Osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that affects the joints of many body areas, can give rise to very intense pain, sometimes challenging to fight. Often, traditional drugs are not enough to appease them, and it is necessary to supplement their action with natural remedies of various kinds. Among them, likely, […]

CBD als entzündungshemmendes und schmerzstillendes Mittel: Wirkt es?

Modified on: 19/04/2024

MANY STUDIES HAVE CONFIRMED THE USEFULNESS OF CBD AS AN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND PAINKILLER: HERE’S EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW Cannabidiol, contained in high percentages in CBD cannabis and its derivatives (such as legal hashish and CBD oil), is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid that is increasingly attracting attention in the medical sector. In particular, through studies and research, we are trying to know more […]

Kann Angst mit Cannabis geheilt werden?

Modified on: 19/04/2024

HERE’S WHAT THE SCIENTIFIC DATA SAY ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CANNABIS TO COUNTERACT ANXIOUS STATES Anxiety is a disorder that affects many people around the world. Just think that in Switzerland alone, in 2015, as many as over 3 million people suffered from chronic anxiety. In the United States, recently, it has been found that […]

Hemp protein: opinions about properties,

Modified on: 24/04/2024

DISCOVERING HEMP PROTEINS: CURIOSITY AND POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS FOR THE BODY It happened again: a derivative of hemp is making headlines because of its countless beneficial properties. However, this time, it is not about inflorescences of CBD cannabis, CBD oil or hashish, but about hemp proteins. Have you heard of them too? No wonder! Lately, they are spreading a […]

How hashish is made in the major countries of production

Modified on: 19/04/2024

IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN METHODS OF PRODUCTION OF HASHISH AND LEGAL HASHISH Hashish is a derivative of cannabis that usually comes in dough or sphere and can have different textures and colours. Intrigued by this product, it is likely that you, like many other people, have wondered how it is possible to obtain a CBD […]

Hashish oil: what it is and what it is used for

Modified on: 19/04/2024

HASHISH OIL INSIGHTS: LEARN HOW THIS PRODUCT IS MADE, WHY IT’S DIFFERENT FROM CANNABIS SEED OIL AND HOW TO USE IT Speaking of marijuana, chances are you’ve heard of cannabis seed oil, CBD oil, and hash oil. But is it always the same product? The answer is no. There are substantial differences between the three products and, to […]

Moroccan hashish online: 3 things to know to avoid risks

Modified on: 19/04/2024

THE PURCHASE OF MOROCCAN HASHISH, WITHOUT THE RIGHT PRECAUTIONS, CAN BE VERY RISKY FROM VARIOUS POINTS OF VIEW: HERE ARE THE MAIN ONES Among the many derivatives of marijuana, one of the most widespread and appreciated is undoubtedly hashish and Moroccan hashish, representing a third (or, in some periods, even half) of the CBD hash marketed all […]

Hashish: long-term effects on mood and nervous system

Modified on: 19/04/2024

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF TAKING HASHISH? HERE ARE ITS SHORT AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HASH AND CBD HASHISH Although it is illegal to consume hashish in Switzerland, many people worldwide use the precious resin extracted from marijuana trichomes. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional hashish (of which there are many varieties), CBD hashish has also […]